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Girl, you could have A.D.D.
But I'll date you if you know your abc's.
- Benatar in We Like Them Girls

We Like Them Girls is the 26th song released by Your Favorite Martian. It features Puff singing about how the only thing he needs in a woman is a working vagina. It is notable for being animated entirely with Lego bricks.

Music Video


WE LIKE THEM GIRLS (dir. by Forrest Whaley)


Lyrics on the WE LIKE THEM GIRLS (dir. by ForrestFire101)/Lyrics sub-page.


  • It is the second music video for a Your Favorite Martian song to not be digitally animated. The first one is Puppet Break-Up.
    • This is also the first and only Phase 2 song to not be digitally animated.
  • This is the 2nd time we see Benatar's, the 3rd time we see DeeJay's and the 1st time we see Axel's eyes.
  • Benatar being on an ostrich references their line "At least two fucking limbs, and one is a leg!".
  • This is the second time Benatar raps, the first time being in Shitty G.
  • In the intro of Nice Peter's old series called "Monday Show" Lego Puff makes a brief cameo.


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